
The Science Laboratories
The students from the primary level are exposed to the laboratory environment to do experiments on their own to understand science and to test and verify its laws. There are spacious and well equipped science laboratories, for physics, chemistry and biology which cater to the needs of the students who have opted for science in their higher secondary level. There is a modern computer lab in the school with 35 computers. We maintain a student to computer ratio of 2:1, in the higher secondary level.
The School Library
Library periods are allotted to each class to cultivate the habit of reading. Our spacious and well-furnished library has a wide range of books satisfying the reading needs of all our children. SADHGURU GLOBAL MAT HR. SEC. SCHOOL

The School House System
The school follows a house system, grouping the staff and all the students into four houses i.e., Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. Each house has a house mistress or master, a captain, a vice captain, staff members and student members, who help in leading and coordinating the various house activities. A positive competitive spirit is maintained among the houses to excel in studies, games, athletics and other co-curricular activities.
The Departments Of The School

The kindergarten department seeks to provide an enriching atmosphere for the balanced growth and development of our children through a fun filled and flexible curriculum. Our teachers employ a facilitative teaching methodology through which the children are encouraged to learn through activities. These activities are structured to focus on the development of fine and gross motor skills, communicative skills, reading skills, English and Tamil literacy, numeracy and general knowledge of the children. An ample play area, colorful, immersive and interactive classrooms and an empathetic relationship with the teachers are provided to kick start our students’ learning experience.
The pre-primary department has a talented team of teachers who create a happy, supportive and safe environment for our students. The department primarily focuses on two things: doing the basics well and creating a learning space that meets the needs of our curriculum. Our children’s progress and development are monitored carefully so that new skills and ideas can be introduced as soon as they are ready to progress to the next stage of learning. Every term, we offer a wide range of events to enrich the curriculum and enhance the enjoyment of learning,
The primary department strives to inspire, motivate and encourage its children each day. The children are given the opportunity to meet and accomplish new challenges and goals. Education doesn’t stop with the classroom as we also groom our children to be their best selves in the outside world as well. An extended relationship is established with our parents who we consider as our partners in education of our children. It is our earnest endeavour to provide a conducive atmosphere for our little ones to learn.
In the middle school, the children are nurtured in a positive and a caring environment to enable their successful transition from childhood to adolescence. A variety of learning models such as inquiry-based learning, project based learning and peer to peer learning are followed to make the learning process fun and interesting. Our children are exposed to various extra-curricular programs that include arts and crafts, martial arts, music and dance which not only instil an appreciation for the arts but also allows them to explore their interests and discover new talents. To provide a wholesome educational experience, varied Co-curricular activities have been implemented to improve skills like communicative English, Tamil reading, handwriting, general knowledge and aptitude.
Being in the tertiary level of a child’s education, the high school department creates a pathway to assist our students in achieving their educational goals. With a dedicated team of teachers, the department focuses to prepare each student with academic skills that are necessary for him. Apart from academics, diverse opportunities are also provided to our children to express their creative minds. We provide a safe, supportive and well-ordered environment where our students are enthusiastic and confident of achieving their goals.
The higher secondary department emphasises the need for comprehensive development of its students that is not confined to the curriculum alone. Creating the right environment, we encourage our children to have the right attitude, right knowledge and skill set. We also mandate towards moral values and experiential learning to help them achieve their targets. Specific programmes are charted to meet out specific objectives and are designed to drive away the fear of examinations, making our students more accustomed to test conditions. We are one hundred percent with our students in their endeavour for academic excellence and wholistic development.